All consultation sessions are by invitation and appointment only.

Once you submit this form our weight loss specialist will contact you.

The women's only boxing and bootcamp is a strength and conditioning class that infuses boxing fundamentals.  We lift weights and circuit train and every class there is boxing instruction.  It's a non-contact boxing instruction (you won't be sparring with anyone) but you will be hitting the heavy bags, speed bags, double end bags and working the mitts with me.

Bootcamp results have been amazing!  In four weeks time, I’ve had 6 clients lose over 75lbs all together!.  Some clients lost more than others and diet plays a huge role in that.  Overall, individuals can expect to lose 8-10lbs in the first month and drop over 6 inches all over the body!! Building muscle burns fat and that is what we do here!

Boot camp pricing packages vary from $125-$200 per month depending on the package/commitment you choose.  Bootcamp members have access to a private Facebook group where we share recipes, technique strategies, and other motivational ideas.  We have a very supportive group of women who celebrate each others successes as much as they do their own!  Bootcamp members also receive nutrition consultations from me.  I provide nutritional guidelines and track/monitor your success.  Members also receive individualized cardio plans to complete outside of the gym on non-training days.

If this is something that you are interested in, we do have a process that we follow to ensure that our gym and our client are a true fit.  First we have a consultation meeting with me.  I basically get to know you and your "fitness and diet history."  Based on what we discuss, I offer whether or not your fitness goals would be best serviced through our gym.  If we are a good match, then I invite you in for a free workout.  If we are not what you are looking for, I can recommend some programs that you may want to look into.  This meeting is important because we need to both be on the same page as far as your fitness goals.  "Can't reach a destination if you don't know where you're going!"

Looking forward to hearing from you!


Erin Brown 

Pilger's Old Skool Boxing and Fitness Academy

Women's Fitness Coordinator and Trainer
